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9/5/2014 FAA3627 Good Fortune

9/5/2014 FAA3627 Good Fortune

Beijing China

These gigantic majestic beings are traditionally considered symbols of good luck, nobility, wisdom, fertility, and protection. All across the world, the elephant has long been considered a sacred animal, although the spiritual symbolism of elephants changes slightly from culture to culture.

Elephants represent many things: they're symbols of luck and prosperity, but they are also powerful beings that use their mighty strength to remove obstacles and negative forces. They also represent wisdom, long life, memory and vitality.

Elephants often symbolize power, royalty, and wisdom, but numerous meanings are associated with this majestic creature. "Elephants represent many positive influences, ranging from strength and good fortune to health, happiness, and spiritual well-being," says Johanna Aúgusta, a numerologist and owner of the Ministry of Numerology.

"They are loyal companions that remain determinedly protective over their families, never forgetting the bond which ties them together," she adds.
And as animal communicator, psychic medium, and clairvoyant Nancy Mello tells mindbodygreen, when elephants come up in sessions, "They tend to symbolize the best in all of us; they are strength and weakness," adding, "By understanding that they truly feel everything and everything, when we see them—we can often relate it to the ups and downs of life."

According to Aúgusta, "Elephants are known to have tight family bonds and are often seen as symbols of loyalty, stability, and security." These peaceful creatures can also represent connection and acceptance with family. "They can be seen as a reminder to stay connected with family and friends even when apart," she explains, with Mello adding that elephants can symbolize acceptance, usually relating to being accepting of family members.

Considering there are two types of elephants, the Asian and the African elephant, it's no surprise elephants are an important aspect of many cultures in Asia. "In Chinese culture, elephants have been associated with wisdom and good luck," explains Aúgusta, adding that they're also said to symbolize fertility and strength in relationships.

Meanwhile, Wilson tells mindbodygreen, elephants signify good luck and prosperity in Korea. "In Cambodia," she adds, "you will see elephant statues everywhere for protection and good fortune."